Congress UFO Hearing

The UFO Hearing
Jared Moskowitz, Tim Burchett, Matt Gaetz, and Anna Luna will present a letter to the speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy on the findings.
David Gursch, Ryan Graves and David Fravor were the key witnesses at the hearing.
The first of its kind UFO hearing got underway. Three witnesses were asked to testify on UFO Folklore (no evidence).
Sitting behind the witnesses in the front row was James Clapper (former head of national intelligence), George Knapp (UFO Reporter), Blue Tie (?) and Jeremy Corbell (Flares Video).
NOTE: News cameras were strategically placed to catch Clapper, Knapp and Corbell shaking their heads yes to witness testimony.
David Gursch, about 99% of what he said was “I can’t talk about it.” Gursch testimony differed slightly from his previous interviews. Gursch now states alien beings were recovered with crashed UFO aircraft. Previously he stated “someone” must have been piloting those craft and had to be found when the craft was recovered.
Roswell, Lights Over Phoenix, and China Balloons were mentioned. Concern about activity near military bases (Barry Goldwater Range in Arizona was mentioned).
David Fravor talked about the “tic tac” incident. Fravor described it as being 5 minutes, other pilot said 9 to 10 seconds. Fravor said a new radar was being used. Fravor said they were tic tac shaped with a sphere inside. Fravor said one object took off at speeds nothing on earth can match. Gursch mentioned some kind of Holographic technology.
NOTE: One tic tac event has been debunked by AARO
Ryan Graves discussed multiple UFO sightings over a 2-year period over the east coast. Graves also said a new radar was being used. Graves talked about a UFO the size of a football field, taking off into the sky at high speeds.
NOTE: Ballons and trash were mentioned as possible blips on new radar.
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